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Recent Literature Die krankhaften Störungen des Baues und der Zusammensetzung des menschlichen Körpers. (Allgemeine pathologische Morphologie. . Von Dr. Edwin Klebs, O. O. Professor der allegemeinen pathologic und der pathologischen Anatomie an der Universität Zürich. Mit 79 farbigen Abbildungen im Text, und 47 Farbentafeln. pp. i-xviii, 1-836. Zeua: Verlag von Gustav Fischer. 1889
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
He related a recent case iu which this procedure followed by traction in the line of the deformity, had secured a good result. He had recently performed excision in another case in which disease of the acetabulum and femur had been produced by the application by the physician in attendance of traction in a straight line, according to Thomas's method. In excising the hip he usually makes a section through the great trochanter in such a way as to allow the lesser trochanter to go into the