How Robust Refugee Protection Policies Can Strengthen Human and National Security

Donald Kerwin
2016 Journal on Migration and Human Security  
Executive Summary This paper makes the case that refugee protection and national security should be viewed as complementary, not conflicting state goals. It argues that refugee protection can further the security of refugees, affected states, and the international community. Refugees and international migrants can also advance national security by contributing to a state's economic vitality, military strength, diplomatic standing, and civic values. The paper identifies several strategies that
more » ... uld, if implemented, promote both security and refugee protection. It also outlines additional steps that the US Congress should take to enhance US refugee protection policies and security. Finally, it argues for the efficacy of political engagement in support of pro-protection, pro-security policies, and against the assumption that political populism will invariably impede support for refugee protection.
doi:10.1177/233150241600400304 fatcat:jqcxvwjlcvgotkiqe7wzspaueq