Character of valence-band states in the Kondo surface alloys CeAgx/Ag(111) and CePt5/Pt(111)

H. Schwab, M. Mulazzi, J. Jiang, H. Hayashi, T. Habuchi, D. Hirayama, H. Iwasawa, K. Shimada, F. Reinert
2012 Physical Review B  
The crystal and electronic structures of the CePt 5 and CeAg x surface alloys have been investigated by means of low-energy electron diffraction and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. From measurements performed near the 4d-4f absorption edge we were able to infer the weight of the 4f -electron spectral function with respect to the single-particle density of states. While the typical Kondo features at the Fermi energy (Kondo resonance and spin-orbit partner) in the CePt 5 surface alloy
more » ... ere observed, only the f 0 ionization structure and the spin-orbit partner were present in the CeAg x case. From our experiments, and by comparison to model calculations, we were able to estimate the Kondo temperature in the two systems and investigate parameters contributing to the hybridization strength.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.85.125130 fatcat:aszknybtgnddfphsmvwwld36pm