Waveform and Spectral Characteristics of Supraharmonic Unsymmetrical Conducted EMI of Switched-Mode Power Supplies

Leonardo Sandrolini, Andrea Mariscotti
2022 Electronics  
Switched-mode power supplies (SMPSs) are a relevant and widespread source of unsymmetrical conducted emissions, as they feed various electrical appliances and information technology equipment in office and residential contexts and, despite their low power rating, the limits are the same as those of larger equipment. Given the peculiar emission waveform (mixing impulsive components and switching components), assessment should be carried out with care to select parameters that guarantee both the
more » ... etection of the maximum level of emissions and a high level of repeatability and reproducibility. A range of cases based on six different SMPS products was considered, exploring both time- and frequency-domain characteristics, and identifying the most relevant phenomena and advisable parameters choices. Typical behavior and suitable settings were exemplified with a range of measured emission records: the Fourier time window length and EMI receiver dwell time were considered, as well as the relevance of loading conditions to include in a comprehensive test program. Such records were made available in a linked dataset to allow for replication of the experiments and foster further findings and discussion.
doi:10.3390/electronics11040591 fatcat:yidmbdskezge3efa6ros4zgc2m