The comparison of microstructures and mechanical properties between 14Cr-Al and 14Cr-Ti ferritic ODS alloys

Guangming Zhang, Zhangjian Zhou, Kun Mo, Yinbin Miao, Shaofu Li, Xiang Liu, Man Wang, Jun-Sang Park, Jonathan Almer, James F. Stubbins
2016 Materials & design  
In this study, two kinds of 14Cr ODS alloys (14Cr-Al and 14Cr-Ti) were investigated to reveal the different effects between Al and Ti on the microstructures and mechanical properties of 14Cr ferritic ODS alloys. The microstructure information such as grains, minor phases of these two alloys has been investigated by high-energy X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction tensile test was applied to investigate the mechanical properties
more » ... f these two alloys. The lattice strains of different phases through the entire tensile deformation process in these two alloys were analyzed to calculate their elastic stresses. From the comparison of elastic stress, the strengthening capability of Y 2 T i 2 O 7 is better than TiN in 14Cr-Ti, and the strengthening capability of YAH is much better than YAM and AlN in 14Cr-Al ODS. The dislocation densities of 14Cr-Ti and 14Cr-Al ODS alloys during tensile deformation were also examined by modified Williamson-Hall analyses of peak broadening, respectively. The different increasing speed of dislocation density with plastic deformation reveals the better strengthening effect of Y-Ti-O particles in 14Cr-Ti ODS than that of Y-Al-O particles in 14Cr-Al ODS alloy.
doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2016.02.117 fatcat:zgrjzsxfffgelbfv36nnfgxw64