Abilities of Current Artificial Intelligence Systems to Learn Social Skills [post]

Mingyang Zhang, Marco Fabus
2022 unpublished
In 2021, an article was published on MIT news that some researchers started to seek the possibility of machines learning social skills. According to the researchers, social learning may help robots to better cooperate with human society. Meanwhile, this also leads to questions such as whether social learning machines would cause people to lose their jobs. Yet, all these concerns wouldn't be meaningful until a social learning machine is realized, so we shall first look at how and whether these
more » ... cial-learning machines may come true. Since this topic is huge and covers a variety of meanings and fields, this essay will provide several specific approaches to seek understanding of the relationship between machines and social learning.
doi:10.31234/osf.io/r3ktj fatcat:z6kzjri35nhqnkgyb235idxo7y