Enhancing Quasi-Newton Acceleration for Fluid-Structure Interaction

Kyle Davis, Miriam Schulte, Benjamin Uekermann
2022 Mathematical and Computational Applications  
We propose two enhancements of quasi-Newton methods used to accelerate coupling iterations for partitioned fluid-structure interaction. Quasi-Newton methods have been established as flexible, yet robust, efficient and accurate coupling methods of multi-physics simulations in general. The coupling library preCICE provides several variants, the so-called IQN-ILS method being the most commonly used. It uses input and output differences of the coupled solvers collected in previous iterations and
more » ... e steps to approximate Newton iterations. To make quasi-Newton methods both applicable for parallel coupling (where these differences contain data from different physical fields) and to provide a robust approach for re-using information, a combination of information filtering and scaling for the different physical fields is typically required. This leads to good convergence, but increases the cost per iteration. We propose two new approaches—pre-scaling weight monitoring and a new, so-called QR3 filter, to substantially improve runtime while not affecting convergence quality. We evaluate these for a variety of fluid-structure interaction examples. Results show that we achieve drastic speedups for the pure quasi-Newton update steps. In the future, we intend to apply the methods also to volume-coupled scenarios, where these gains can be decisive for the feasibility of the coupling approach.
doi:10.3390/mca27030040 fatcat:6e25tbj32bgsnkhbmtfbsqzk64