Growth of long undoped and Ce-doped LuAG single crystal fibers for dual readout calorimetry

Valerii Kononets
2015 Zenodo  
Undoped and Ce3+-doped Lu3Al5O12 (LuAG) fibers were grown to evaluate their potential use in new particle physics experiments, such as dual- readout calorimeters. The choice of grown crystals was made to detect scintillation (doped LuAG) and Cherenkov radiation (undoped LuAG). Growth conditions for obtaining fibers with improved quality were found based on measurements of attenuation length of the fibers and cathodoluminescence measurements. The effect of annealing on attenuation length for
more » ... and LuAG:Ce was also studied. In addition, we also evaluated a possibility to substitute LuAG by the cheaper mixed and (Lu,Y)3Al5O12 (LuYAG:Ce) fibers.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2563696 fatcat:5uucuk6bqjatplrzbmvapmzrzy