A parametrização como experiência prévia para a estruturação de métodos projetuais em arquitetura

Tássia Borges de Vasconselos, Luísa Félix Dalla Vecchia, Adriane Almeida da Silva Borda
2014 Proceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - SIGraDi: Design in Freedom   unpublished
Adriane Almeida da Silva Borda UFPel, Brasil adribord@hotmail.com A parametrização como experiência prévia para a estruturação de métodos projetuais em arquitetura This study describes a didactic method for the introduction of parametric design in graphic and digital geometry courses in architectural training. It started with the recognition of the concept of parametric design and the investment in the appropriation of Grasshopper associated with Rhinoceros. Paper folding exercises were
more » ... ed both physically and in the digital space. Through an interactive dynamic between traditional processes, by hand and digital, and parametric design, a learning path was defined in a playful manner which highlights the differences between methods of representation and its implications for the design action starting from a first semester of training.
doi:10.5151/despro-sigradi2014-0059 fatcat:hof3beobvngrpccgh432lpvk4m