Emission management system in the Russian Federation: necessity for reforming and future adaptation of the western experience

A. Y. Nedre, R. A. Shatilov, A. F. Gubanov
2008 Air Pollution XVI   unpublished
Currently, emission management is carried out in the Russian Federation on the basis of hygienic standards which is, in turn, based on the calculations of emission dispersion from source. The aim of this standardization is bringing into compliance with air quality standards for the human health maximal allowable concentration (MAC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air for human health. This article gives a brief description of this standardization method. This approach of standardization has
more » ... n used in Russia since 1986, but, unfortunately, it seems in vain. There is continuous growth of pollutant emissions in Russia from stationary and mobile sources and, therefore, there is an increase in the number of cities where the air quality standards are exceeded. This article covers the historical data concerning the emission growth and related increase of the number of cities where air quality standards are exceeded. Moreover, this standardization method does not engage the introduction of the best available techniques (BATs) neither does it include evaluation and regulation of the impact on vegetation. The western approach which is based on the usage of BATs and critical loads is the most perspective from our point of view. However, this process must be coordinated with the economic capabilities of the Russian business community because the new requirements would be a significant additional financial burden. This paper contains information on the experience gained by the individual industries which began to proceed with the determination of the BATs. Finally, the concept of the modernization of the emission management system in Russia, for the years 2008-2010 is also described in brief.
doi:10.2495/air080191 fatcat:exoj6lvkybfmborfpktxvcui4a