Computational science as one driving force for all aspects of computing research

John R. Rice
1996 ACM Computing Surveys  
Changes are coming in the way scientific research is funded and many people me concerned that industry and government will decrease funding levels, and that the emphasis of research funding may shift. The latter fear comes from the emerging focus on funding stmtegic research -research that has the clear potential to benefit the nation's economy, health, environment, education, or other important goals. This new focus replaces the goal of simply advancing science, which prevailed for the
more » ... 40 to 50 years. Thus the grand challenges in computational science of the late 1980s, which were to advance the frontiers of science, were later enlarged to include "national challenges" of benefit to society. Strategic research is the continuation of tItis shift from science for science's sake to science for society's sake. Computer science is at heart an applied field and the gre;:tt majority of computing research has strategic connections. Computational science and engineering applications are one driving force that involves all aspects of computing research.
doi:10.1145/242224.242254 fatcat:4tneghdkxzeu3ar5ygyiyli6ha