An Algorithm Incarnating Deep Integration of Hardware-Software Energy Regulation Principles for Heterogeneous Green Scheduling

Shaohui Li, Hong Liu, Bin Gong, Jinglian Wang
2020 IEEE Access  
Heterogeneous green scheduling in virtual cloud is an urgent need of human sustainable developments. However, on the one hand, there is still considerable space beyond reach of the hardware energy regulation mode; on the other hand, as the core of green software methods, meta-heuristics algorithms are still underperforming in heterogeneous scheduling, although with many achievements in homogeneous scheduling. In this paper, an efficient new meta-heuristics algorithm is presented (i.e.,
more » ... including the co-evolutionary dynamics equation emphasizing on and taking advantage of the hardware energy-regulation principles. The experimental results show that compared with the other three metaheuristic scheduling algorithms, GHSA_di algorithm has obvious advantages in overall performance, energy saving and scalability, for both data intensive and computing intensive instances. INDEX TERMS Heterogeneous scheduling, green computing, meta-heuristic algorithm, energy regulation principles, deep integration.
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3003304 fatcat:ufbheyfuzfgxnkeqkhv2dbsc3m