The "Flipped Classroom": A Tool for Higher Education in Times of Confinement

Dr. Laura Georgina Carmona-Garcia, Dr. J. Emilio Mendez-Gonzalez, M.A. Lorena Araceli López-Guzman, M.A.R.H. Liliana Alvarez-Loya
2020 Scholars Bulletin  
Education must meet the needs required by today's students; the new generations known as the Net Generation; they demand an updated educational system. There are multiple teaching systems at the higher level, some focused on the use of competencies, as well as on Bloom's Taxonomy; having as a common goal, professionals prepared for globalization when exercising their profession. It is critical to be at the forefront of changes in tools that facilitate the cognitive process. The mechanism of the
more » ... methodology developed in the -Flipped Classroom‖ is reviewed, with the -Bloom's Taxonomy‖, since the latter is the preamble for the design of various educational models. The Flipped class is an integration strategy, strengthens the educational process, and helps in the administration of the student and the teacher's time, meeting learning requirements, interacting with the Tics that the student executes, being the learning process dynamic, and adaptable to the learning capacity, achieving their attention, generating knowledge through their experiences, and expanding it with that of their peers.
doi:10.36348/sb.2020.v06i12.004 fatcat:fookkpomvrfltjkwqdp67vcub4