High-brightness electron beams for linac-based bunched beam electron cooling

D. Kayran, Z. Altinbas, D. Bruno, M. R. Costanzo, A. Drees, A. V. Fedotov, W. Fischer, M. Gaowei, D. M. Gassner, X. Gu, R. Hulsart, P. Inacker (+28 others)
2020 Physical Review Accelerators and Beams  
A high-current high-brightness electron accelerator for low-energy RHIC electron cooling (LEReC) was successfully commissioned at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The LEReC accelerator includes a dc photoemission gun, a laser system, a photocathode delivery system, magnets, beam diagnostics, a superconducting rf booster cavity, and a set of normal conducting rf cavities to provide enough flexibility to tune the beam in the longitudinal phase space. Cooling with nonmagnetized rf accelerated
more » ... on beams requires longitudinal corrections to obtain a small momentum spread while preserving the transverse emittances. Electron beams with kinetic energies of 1.6 and 2.0 MeV with a beam quality suitable for cooling were successfully propagated through 100 m of beam lines, including dispersion sections, maintained through both cooling sections in RHIC and used for cooling ions in both RHIC rings simultaneously. The beam quality suitable for cooling RHIC beams was achieved in 2018, which led to the first experimental demonstration of bunched beam electron cooling of hadron beams in 2019.
doi:10.1103/physrevaccelbeams.23.021003 fatcat:hwkiniv2kncapcubelpqggxkfi