List equivalency of the Persian quick speech in noise test on hearing impaired subjects

Javad Hanilou, Jamileh Fatahi, Ali Tahaei, Shohreh Jalaie
2016 unpublished
and Aim: The quick speech in noise (Q-SIN) test have been designed to evaluate individuals' ability to recognize speech in noise. This study established to evaluate the test-retest reliability and equivalency of the five test lists of the Persian Q-SIN test in subjects with sensory hearing loss (SHL) and normal hearing individuals. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on equal number of subjects with normal hearing and SHL, 36 in each group. The participants aged from 18 to 55
more » ... old. The Persian Q-SIN test materials which were recorded on a CD were presented binaurally via an audiometer using standard earphones. For evaluating reliability retest was conducted on the same subjects after three weeks. Results: The mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss was 0.16 (SD=0.70 dB) in normal hearing subjects. There was a significant difference bet ween the mean results of lists 1, 2 and 4 and lists 2, 3 and 4 as well as lists 4 and 5. The mean SNR loss in subjects with SHL was 6.62 (SD=3.20 dB). There was a significant difference between the mean results of list 1 and