
酒井 宏平, 崔 明姫, 豊田 祐輔, 鐘ヶ江 秀彦
Today, it is one of the most important issues to support tourists after disasters. Especially tourists need public supports to go back home. Accordingly, we need to know their behavior after disaster from the view point of public supports. There were some studies on this issues, however they don't focus on tourists. This study showed influences of public support on tourists' intention to get home after disaster. This paper was based on a questionnaire survey which was conducted in Himeji
more » ... 88 questionnaires were collected. We compared with tourists' intention to get home under various conditions which is related to public supports. As a results, this study revealed that five factors have influences on their intentions.
doi:10.34382/00009239 fatcat:652cvya3fre4tblorjkcyjz2si