B-19 室内空気汚染濃度低減材のVOCs濃度低減性能試験に関する研究(その2) : 吸着材・吸着建材のToluene濃度低減性能試験及びその影響因子の検討
B-19 Experimental Study on VOCs Decreasing Effect ofSorptive Building Materials of Reducing Indoor Air Pollution (Part2) : Experiment on Decreasing Effect of Toluene Concentration with Activated Carbon and Adsorptive Building Material

Jang-hoo SEO, Shinsuke KATO, Yuji ATAKA, Satoko NAGAO
2005 Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
doi:10.18948/shasetaikai.2005.2.0_825 fatcat:w2bd3nb7hbdn3nvgllobmyfg5y