Arthroscopic Microfracture Alone or Combined Application of Acellular Scaffold: Which One is More Effective in the Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus [post]

Bertan Cengiz, Ramin Moradi
2021 unpublished
Background: In this study, it was aimed to compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of the single-step arthroscopic microfracture (AMFx) repair procedure and the combined application of AMFx and cell-free scaffold (CFS) in the treatment of talar osteochondral lesions (TOLs).Methods: This retrospective study included patients presenting with a TOL larger than 1.5 cm2 and smaller than 3 cm2 between March 2015 and June 2018 who received arthroscopic treatment and attended follow-up for a
more » ... od of at least 24 months. Eighteen patients (group 1) had been treated with the AMFx method and 16 patients (group 2) with AMFx + CFS application. American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and Tegner Activity Scores. magnetic resonance observation of cartilage repair tissue (MOCART) score was used to assess cartilage repair tissue.Results: The mean patient age was 33.47±8.67 and the mean follow-up time was 32.24±9.33 months. In terms of the two groups, there was no significant difference in terms of age (p=0.984), body mass index (p=0.450), defect size (p = 0.081) and follow-up time (p = 0.484). The median AOFAS score increased in the AMFx group (p<0.001) and in the AMFx+CFS group (p<0.001), from preoperative assessment until follow-up assessment at 12 months. The treatment groups were not superior to each other in terms of clinical scores (p>0.05). The two groups were also similar with respect to the components of the MOCART score.Conclusion: Comparisons revealed that outcomes at the end of 24-month follow-up were similar. Therefore, TOLs appear to benefit similarly from the AMFx and AMFx + CFS techniques.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:hykpu7snfvaobfevflzccwtd3q