Vertical Deflections and Gravity Disturbances Derived from HY-2A Data

Xiaoyun Wan, Richard Fiifi Annan, Shuanggen Jin, Xiaoqi Gong
2020 Remote Sensing  
The first Chinese altimetry satellite, Haiyang-2A (HY-2A), which was launched in 2011, has provided a large amount of sea surface heights which can be used to derive marine gravity field. This paper derived the vertical deflections and gravity disturbances using HY-2A observations for the major area of the whole Earth's ocean from 60°S and 60°N. The results showed that the standard deviations (STD) of vertical deflections were 1.1 s and 3.5 s for the north component and the east component
more » ... n HY-2A's observations and those from EGM2008 and EIGEN-6C4, respectively. This indicates the accuracy of the east component was poorer than that of the north component. In order to clearly demonstrate contribution of HY-2A's observations to gravity disturbances, reference models and the commonly used remove-restore method were not adopted in this study. Therefore, the results can be seen as 'pure' signals from HY-2A. Assuming the values from EGM2008 were the true values, the accuracy of the gravity disturbances was about −1.1 mGal in terms of mean value of the errors and 8.0 mGal in terms of the STD. This shows systematic errors if only HY-2A observations were used. An index of STD showed that the accuracy of HY-2A was close to the theoretical accuracy according to the vertical deflection products. To verify whether the systematic errors of gravity field were from the long wavelengths, the long-wavelength parts of HY-2A's gravity disturbance with wavelengths larger than 500 km were replaced by those from EGM2008. By comparing with 'pure' HY-2A version of gravity disturbance, the accuracy of the new version products was improved largely. The systematic errors no longer existed and the error STD was reduced to 6.1 mGal.
doi:10.3390/rs12142287 fatcat:lf5yeiirnfaermmdkf7qf73exe