Hi-C-LSTM: Learning representations of chromatin contacts using a recurrent neural network identifies genomic drivers of conformation [article]

Kevin Bradley Dsouza, Alexandra Maslova, Ediem Al-Jibury, Matthias Merkenschlager, Vijay K Bhargava, Maxwell W Libbrecht
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
Despite the availability of chromatin conformation capture experiments, understanding the relationship between regulatory elements and conformation remains a challenge. We propose Hi-C-LSTM, a method that produces low dimensional latent representations that summarize intra-chromosomal Hi-C contacts via a recurrent long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network model. We find that these representations contain all the information needed to recreate the original Hi-C matrix with high accuracy,
more » ... rforming existing methods. These representations enable the identification of a variety of conformation-defining genomic elements, including nuclear compartments and conformation-related transcription factors. They furthermore enable in-silico perturbation experiments that measure the influence of cis-regulatory elements on conformation.
doi:10.1101/2021.08.26.457856 fatcat:swtzgro56bd47billhbusdhrm4