Review of: "qMRI-BIDS: an extension to the brain imaging data structure for quantitative magnetic resonance imaging data" [peer_review]

Kay Robbins
2022 unpublished
The development of a qMRI-BIDS extension is an important contribution to open science. My criticisms are mainly minor comments on exposition. The paper is fairly dense and could be improved by some clarification. The paper is written as though BEP001 is a proposal, but the paper says that BEP001 was merged in Feb. 2021. Scattered throughout the paper are references about what is supported by the BIDS-validator and what isn't. What is currently in BIDS, what is supported, what is in process, and
more » ... what is planned for the future should be clearly stated in both the abstract and the final discussion. In fact, I don't think you should be calling it BEP001, but rather the BIDS-qMRI
doi:10.32388/7ehsil fatcat:5a3pn6cq4rdabflky23iypzz5e