Effectiveness of sub-tenon's administration of an angiogenesis inhibitor in treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration

R V Gaybaryan, A N Epikhin, Yu F Bondarenko
2016 Kazanskij Medicinskij Žurnal  
Aim. To study the clinical results of the administration of an angiogenesis inhibitor into sub-Tenon's space on the viscous carrier.Methods. The study was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, analysis of examination and treatment of 32 patients (34 eyes) with the wet age-related macular degeneration was conducted. Patients were injected the angiogenesis inhibitor (bevacizumab 12.5 mg) on the viscous carrier (1.0 ml of 2% hydroxypropylmethylcellulose solution) into the posterior
more » ... 's space. At the second stage, a retrospective analysis of the treatment results of 30 patients (30 eyes) with the wet age-related macular degeneration, who received the standard monotherapy in the form of 3 monthly intravitreal injection of angiogenesis inhibitor (0.5 mg ranibizumab), and then according to indications, was conducted. The best-corrected visual acuity and optical coherence tomography data over the period of 12 months were evaluated.Results. When comparing the effectiveness of treatment, the mean best-corrected visual acuity significantly improved in both groups after treatment, and its final values were not significantly different. Also central retinal thickness, length, height and volume of lesions significantly decreased as a result of the treatment, and final values were not significantly different between the groups. The duration of the achieved clinical effect in sub-Tenon's administration was 2-2.5 months, in intravitreal administration - 1-1.5 months.Conclusion. Administration of angiogenesis inhibitors into the posterior sub-Tenon's space in wet age-related macular degeneration has an equivalent effectiveness to intravitreal introduction and at the same time provides more prolonged effect of medications.
doi:10.17750/kmj2016-705 fatcat:ih45bj4z55dfdldmik6xokr4cy