Interaction of a finite crack with shear waves in an infinite magnetoelastic medium

Sourav Kumar Panja, Subhas Chandra Mandal
2021 Applied and Computational Mechanics  
The aim of this paper is to investigate the interaction of a finite crack with shear waves in an infinite magnetoelastic medium. Fourier integral transformation is applied to convert the boundary value problem for a homogeneous, isotropic elastic material to the Fredholm integral equation of second kind. The integral equation is solved by the perturbation method and the effect of magnetic field interaction on the crack is discussed. The stress intensity factor at the crack tip is determined
more » ... rically and plotted for low frequencies. Moreover, shear stress outside the crack, crack opening displacement, and crack energy are evaluated and shown by means of graphs.
doi:10.24132/acm.2021.623 fatcat:i2yvppj4pncb5m7blcungbf2iu