A Method of Strip Footings Design for Light Structures on Expansive Clays

2022 International Journal of Engineering  
Actually, due to its simplicity of construction, shallow stiffened footing are considered to be, in many cases, a better cost saving solutions compared to the pilebeam foundation system, especially for lightweight structures such as one and two-story residential and commercial buildings as noted in literature [8, 9] . According to the classification of the Moroccan Guide on design measures for foundations in the North of the Kingdom, a shallow stiffened footing is the best solution for
more » ... s built on expansive soils in morocco and over the world. It ensures a high to very high level of protection to the buiding against the differential heave of the foundation subsoils. Negative impacts are avoided or,
doi:10.5829/ije.2022.35.01a.24 fatcat:x7uigb7c5bamxjxvix32hlze24