Studies on some Physical and Chemical Properties of Sirt Area Cultivated Soils

M. El- Agrodi, M. Abd-Elhady, E. Al-Khamli
2017 Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering  
This investigation has been conducted on the cultivated soil of Sirt area, Libya, that located 450 kilometers from East of Libyan capital Tripoli and between the coordinates 16°35´ E and 31°12´ N to study the potassium status in some soils of Libya. Forty-two soil samples were taken at the two different depth (0-20 and 20-40 cm) from 21sites to evaluate some physical and chemical parameters for soils such as mechanical analysis , total carbonate, organic matter , EC , pH, soluble cations (Ca ++
more » ... , Mg ++ , Na + and K + ), anions (CO 3 = , HCO 3 -, Cland SO 4 = ) , total K , available K , soluble water K, exchangeable K and non exchangeable K. Coordinates of cultivated soil samples were recorded using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Studied parameters were analyzed graphically by contour maps to show the spatial distribution of chemical constituents of the different soil samples. The results indicate that the majority of soil textures in the investigated area were Sandy Loam. The all soil samples at the studied area are poor in organic matter. The soil samples electric conductivity (EC) was suitable for agricultural purposes. (The highest value of total K in both depths was found in 0-20 depth and the lowest value was found in 20-40 depth) .Positive correlation was found between the total potassium and the clay content. (The highest values of available K in soil samples were found in 20-40 cm depth. In contrast the lowest values were found in 20-40 cm depth). The highest values of water soluble K (meq100g -1 soil) in studied soil samples of both depths were found in 20-40 cm depth, also the lowest values were found in 0-20 and 20-40 cm depth, respectively. (The highest values of non exchangeable K (meq100g -1 soil) content in studied soil samples of both depths were found in 0-20cm depth ,also the lowest values were found in 0-20 cm depth) . The soil samples at the studied area are poor in total K, available K, soluble water K, exchangeable K and non exchangeable K.
doi:10.21608/jssae.2017.38052 fatcat:5z5wf2q4rrfsxcwcqzcivws4u4