Analysis on the Problems of Students' Party Construction in Zhuhai Special Economic Zone and Its Countermeasures

Zhiwei Liu, Junliang Kong
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education   unpublished
At present, there is no local undergraduate university in Zhuhai. Relying on the advantages of running schools in north, the northern universities built the independent school in Zhuhai and established a university zone. The development of independent school has become a major part of developing universities and colleges in Zhuhai. In view of its inherent dependence, the independent school has all the disparity in teaching resource, human force and base installation compared with the mother of
more » ... he independent school. This essay will briefly analyze the problems the Zhuhai independent school will confront during its students' party construction work and expect to come up with some corresponding solutions.
doi:10.2991/icadce-16.2016.248 fatcat:o6zgs3zkezcebdtsvodwysupbi