New Quantum Phase of the Universe before Inflation and its Cosmological and Dark Energy Implications

Norma G. Sanchez
The physical history of the Universe is completed by including the quantum planckian and trans-planckian phase before Inflation in the Standard Model of the Universe in agreement with observations. A new quantum precursor phase appears beyond the Planck scale. We extend de Sitter universe to the quantum domain: classical-quantum de Sitter duality. As a result: The classical and quantum dual de Sitter Temperatures and Entropies are naturally included, and the different (classical, semiclassical,
more » ... quantum planckian and super-planckian) de Sitter regimes characterized in a precise and unifying way. Relevant cosmological examples as Inflation and Dark Energy are described. This allows to find in a simple and consistent way: Quantum Inflationary spectra and their CMB observables, including in particular the classical known Inflation spectra and the quantum corrections to them. A unifying picture for the Universe epochs and their quantum precursors emerges with the cosmological constant as the vacuum energy, entropy and temperature of the Universe, shedding light into the cosmological constant problem (Abridged).
doi:10.48550/arxiv.1912.06655 fatcat:kqhpkpiqanafdid6x4stkgspvi