Abstracts of Introductory Addresses Delivered at the Metropolitan and Provincial Schools in October 1881
BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)
598 THE BRITISH MEDICAL 7OURNAL, [Oct. 8,188I. become firmly ankylosed in an adducted anjd everted position, so that the thighs crossed above the knees, and the heels were far apart. The crossing of the thighs and the separation of the heels gives to the extremities a resemblance to a pair of scissors, as the patient himself had suggested. Mr. Lucas demonstrated how that, in normal walking, the forward movement takes place entirely at the hips, the knee being only used to shorten the limb as it
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... passes forward ; but in these cases of double hip anlylosis the deformity is an actual advantage in progression, since the knee, hecoming obliquely directed, is capable of forward movement, and thus knee-walking is substituted for hip-walking. Aneuriysm /by Anastomosis oj i/hC riiht sidle oit/ecface and rig(ht or-bit. -This rare and highly interesting case had been under AMr. Lucas's care for three years. The man, a native of Canada, attributed the commencement of the swelling to the inflammation consequent on the eruption of a wisdom tooth, at the age of eighteen. The enlargement commenced beneath the orbit, and gradually involved, as a pulsating swelling, the whole of the right half of the face. MIr. Lucas has operated on this case altogether fifteen times-first by ligature of the external carotid arteries, which stopped the pulsation for a time, then by electrolysis, galvanic cautery, elastic ligature, and several times by excision. The last operation was twisting of the facial and transverse facial arteries of the left side. AIr. Lucas said that one argument that had been advanced against torsion of arteries was, that the twisted end would slough and act as a foreign body. This case proved that the twisted end svas not thrown off, for primarily union of the wounds had taken place after twisting the two ends of both the arteries referred to. The case still remained urnder treatment. The part which had increased most of late was the portion situated within the orbit. This pushed forward the eyeball about half an inch beyond the level of the other eye, and Mlr. Lucas is now contemplating the advisability of ligaturing the common carotid artery.