Mass Flow due to Heating in a Binary System: Application to U Cephei [chapter]

Yoji Kondo, Jerry L. Modisette
1982 Astrophysics and Space Science Library  
We have investigated the possibility of mass flow due to the heating of the cooler component in a close binary system. The heating may be caused by irradiation from the hotter companion or by other mechanisms such as the spacial coincidence of non-linear "g-mode" oscillations in the cooler star. The 2.4-day period binary U Cep, in which gas streaming has been observed, has been chosen for model calculations. Preliminary results show that such a heating of the lower atmosphere of the cooler star
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doi:10.1007/978-94-009-7861-4_38 fatcat:m4pwloidonfgbjpcvd7ro3g5ma