Experimental Study on a Piezoelectric Wind Energy Harvester

Jianghai Fang, Xiaoyu Jiang, Shuyun Wang, Xiang Fei
2015 Proceedings of the International Conference on Logistics, Engineering, Management and Computer Science   unpublished
To achieve a fluid energy recovery by piezoelectric generator, a piezoelectric wind energy harvester (PWEH) is presented and investigated experimentally. Making use of the force generated by the flow of wind to vibrate the piezoelectric material, the mechanical energy harvested from the vibration of the piezoelectric material is converted into electrical energy. The testing results show that when the end of piezoelectric vibrator isn't added a proof mass and the wind speed is constant, the
more » ... um peak voltage appears between the excited angle of 30° to 45°. When the excited angle is greater than 45°, the voltage is gradually decreases as the excited angle increases. In the case of constant angle, the generated voltage rises with the wind speed increased within a certain range. Adding a proof mass at the end of the piezoelectric vibrator makes voltage produced by the PWEH increase observably. When wind speed, excited angle and the weight of proof mass meet a appropriate matching, the excited frequency of piezoelectric vibrator and natural frequency is equal, the PWEH achieves resonance condition, and the generating performance of the PWEH is optimum.
doi:10.2991/lemcs-15.2015.29 fatcat:mxgekhzdpvhcnnzsgiothz7qi4