La controverse de la "Culturalisation" ou de la "Régionalisation" des crédits budgétaires

Philippe Quertainmont
1970 Res publica. Politiek-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift van de Lage Landen  
Since 1971 Belgium has been organized into two cultural communities - Flanders and W allonia - and into three regions - Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia.Bach community and each region has its own financial means and its own legislative capacity.In 1975 a strong political controversy arose concerning the limits of the powers of the region vs. those of the community : which was financially responsible for some matters - the region or the community ?This conflict made the problem of the coexistence
more » ... of two communities and three regions more sensitive.
doi:10.21825/rp.v19i4.19458 fatcat:3d45rk36ejdrhigoe3z3oevmja