A systematic evaluation of the design, orientation, and sequence context dependencies of massively parallel reporter assays [post]

Jason Klein, Vikram Agarwal, Fumitaka Inoue, Aidan Keith, Beth Martin, Martin Kircher, Nadav Ahituv, Jay Shendure
2020 unpublished
Massively parallel reporter assays (MPRAs) functionally screen thousands of sequences for regulatory activity in parallel. Here, we further develop and apply a novel method to assemble and functionally test libraries of greater than 2000 of the same putative enhancers as 192-mers, 354-mers, and 678-mers. We achieved a yield of 95% for 354-mers and 84% for 678-mers. Importantly, we observe surprisingly large differences in functional activity. This work provides a framework for the experimental
more » ... esign of high-throughput reporter assays, suggesting that the extended sequence context of tested elements, and to a lesser degree the precise assay, influence MPRA results.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.pex-1065/v1 fatcat:hme55k7ujbdt3jg4xklltldxbi