The Association between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media [Safe Type]

Mai Mahmoud Mohamed, Hussein Magdy Abdelkader, Talaat Mahrous Farghaly
2021 International Journal of Medical Arts  
Acute otitis media is considered as one of the most frequent childhood inflammatory disorders.Aim of the work: This study aimed to investigate the possible link between iron deficiency anemia and acute episodes on top of chronic otitis media.Patient and methods: This prospective study is included pediatric patients who attend the ENT outpatient clinic in Mallawi Hospital, El Minia; El Azhar University _Assuit, from July 2019 to June 2020. A total of 100 patients of age Group up to 18 years old
more » ... nd both sexes suffering from recurrent otitis media divided into Group A: Included 34 children treated with iron supplementation three months, Group B: Included 33 children treated with iron supplementation and medical treatment three months.Group C: Included 33 children treated with medical treatment for three months. Results: In group A the change of hemoglobin level from [10.15 ± 0.33] to [11.41 ± 0.43] decreasing occurrence rate of CSOM from 3.47± 0.51 to 1.41± 0.49 with statistically significant difference [p <0.001].In group B, the change of Hb level from [10. ± 0.32] to [11.48 ± 0.29] decreasing occurrence rate of Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media from 33.42 ± 0.92 to 1.39± 0.56 with statistically significant difference [p <0.001].In group C, the change of Hb level from [10.03 ± 0.43] to [10.09± 0.31] decreasing occurrence rate of CSOM from 3.39±0.66 to 2.33± 0.48 with statistically significant difference [p <0.001].Conclusions: The combination of iron and medical treatment in anemic patients can improve hemoglobin level and significantly decrease otitis media's occurrence rate.
doi:10.21608/ijma.2021.42464.1164 doaj:d1e8483ead2a418d8710f33b0691dd86 fatcat:3k73rqellbg7hguuddm4dalk64