AB0521 Antiphospholipid syndrome - atherosclerosis and clinical-imunological correlations

N Stoilov, V Boyadzhieva, R Rashkov
2017 Abstracts Accepted for Publication   unpublished
Scientific Abstracts 1233 minor salivary gland samples of SD patients were also assessed for relationship between focus score, disease progression (evaluated with SSDAI) and leptin immunostaining. Results: Demographic features of both group were similar. Furhermore, there were no difference in leptin staining features of both group.Additionally, we found that higher focus score (>2) was associated with more diffuse leptin staining and higher SSDAI scores related with diffuse acinar staining.
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-eular.6615 fatcat:k4356b23zfbdvpnsteiukqmi7i