On Dynamic Control Parameter Configuration Mechanism for Inter-and Intra-VPN Fairness Control Mechanism

O. Honda, H. Ohsaki, M. Imase, J. Murayama, K. Matsuda
2005 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies  
In our previous work, we have proposed an IP-VPN fairness control mechanism called I2VFC (Inter-and Intra-VPN Fairness Control) that achieves fairness among IP-VPN customers. In order for I2VFC to achieve fairness among IP-VPN customers in arbitrary network configurations, I2VFC control parameters need to be automatically configured. In this paper, we first discuss design goals of a dynamic control parameter configuration mechanism for I2VFC. We then propose a dynamic control parameter
more » ... tion mechanism called DCPC (Dynamic Control Parameter Configuration) that automatically configures I2VFC control parameters by introducing the concept of a virtual VPN flow called nominal VPN flow. Through several simulation experiments, we quantitatively show how accurately and on what timescale inter-VPN fairness is realized using our dynamic control parameter configuration mechanism DCPC. Consequently, we show that I2VFC can achieve fairness with high accuracy in several network configurations using our dynamic control parameter configuration mechanism DCPC. We also show that I2VFC control parameters can follow network changes on the timescale of approximately 100 times of the round-trip time of VPN flows.
doi:10.1109/apsitt.2005.203687 fatcat:w3yu5hoffvcwdgqbooflrnigsy