Artificial Intelligence and Bluetooth Techniques in a Multi-user M-learning Domain

Bonifacio Castaño, Angel Moreno, Melquiades Carbajo, Javier de Pedro
2008 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications  
In this paper we present a practical implementation of a multiuser technical laboratory that combines Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bluetooth (BT) techniques. The objective is to build an m-learning environment where students can work in a customized way. Applying BT capabilities this domain can be isolated into a classroom and used by several learners simultaneously. The student activities can be supervised by means of AI strategies (planning, scheduling and expert systems) in order to
more » ... the modus operandi to the characteristics of each one. Integrating these technologies, the whole system will be able to recognize each user, organize his/her work and evaluate his/her results without or little educator intervention. Nevertheless, the teacher will be reported about the student actions and will be adviced when the situation requires it 1 .
dblp:journals/ijcsa/CastanoMP08 fatcat:it4cp7rvcvfnzhkfub7nvdt4da