Consensus of Julia Sets

Weihua Sun, Shutang Liu
2022 Fractal and Fractional  
The Julia set is one of the most important sets in fractal theory. The previous studies on Julia sets mainly focused on the properties and graph of a single Julia set. In this paper, activated by the consensus of multi-agent systems, the consensus of Julia sets is introduced. Moreover, two types of the consensus of Julia sets are proposed: one is with a leader and the other is with no leaders. Then, controllers are designed to achieve the consensus of Julia sets. The consensus of Julia sets
more » ... ws multiple different Julia sets to be coupled. In practical applications, the consensus of Julia sets provides a tool to study the consensus of group behaviors depicted by a Julia set. The simulations illustrate the efficacy of these methods.
doi:10.3390/fractalfract6010043 fatcat:3gq5iujflzcrtelyxgyjk7rzp4