Higher decay inequalities for multilinear oscillatory integrals

Maxim Gilula, Philip T. Gressman, Lechao Xiao
2018 Mathematical Research Letters  
In this paper we establish sharp estimates (up to logarithmic losses) for the multilinear oscillatory integral operator studied by Phong, Stein, and Sturm [17] and Carbery and Wright [3] on any product d j=1 L pj (R) with each p j ≥ 2, extending the known results outside the previously-studied range Our theorem assumes a second-order nondegeneracy condition of Varčenko type, and as a corollary reproduces a variant of Varčenko's theorem and implies Fourier decay estimates for measures of smooth density on degenerate hypersurfaces in R d .
doi:10.4310/mrl.2018.v25.n3.a5 fatcat:ymkzshxmxveytgyyi6nfigkbre