ICRF heating and transport of deuterium-tritium plasmas in TFTR [report]

J.H. Rogers, G. Schilling, J.E. Stevens, G. Taylor, J.R. Wilson, M.G. Bell, R.V. Budny, N.L. Bretz, D. Darrow, E. Fredrickson
1995 unpublished
This paper describes results of the first experiments utilizing high-power ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) to heat deuterium-tritium (D-T) plasmas in reactor-relevant regimes on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR). Results from these experiments have Qo Q5 11) MINOR RADIUS, r/a J w MURAKAMI 5
doi:10.2172/10115936 fatcat:cdtf3stiobei5ma6sv5zgxau6e