The Thinking Process Of Field Independent Cognitive Style Of Junior High School Student In Defining Quadrilateral Concept

E B Rahaju
2018 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Defining a quadrilateral concept is one part of mathematics learning in junior high school. Defining a concept can be influenced by the concept's image. While the image of the concept is influenced by the experience associated with the concept, the characteristics of the concept, the mental picture of the concept, and the reconstruction of the definition made by the person against a concept. The thinking process of a person in defining a concept is influenced by cognitive style. This study
more » ... to describe the thinking process of a student in defining the quadrilateral concept based on her cognitive style. The subject of this research was a student on grade VII with Field Independent cognitive style (FI). This research concludes that the subject of FI in defining quadrilateral concepts, begins by forming a sense through listing the characteristics of quadrilateral. In determining the characteristics of a quadrilateral, subjects tend to organize all quadrilateral models that have been grouped. This suggests that the subject of FI is easier to capture the similarities found in the models that have been grouped. Based on the characteristics, the subject can conclude to make a simple definition of a quadrilateral by eliminating one by one characteristic are not essential. Subjects can make definitions that meet necessary and sufficient conditions on square, rectangular, parallelogram and trapezoid.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012207 fatcat:3bqxvomrm5czboavmsz4wlqxl4