Issues of Sex and Sexuality: Reflections on Persons with Disabilities

Dhemba Ishmael, Dhemba Regina
2017 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
Realities of Sex and sexuality show that this is a subject that has been talked about in harsh tones, especially in some greater parts of African communities. Having or not having sex, sex is a term that is well known, yet it has been given very little attention when it comes to serious public discussions and debates. One of the reasons being that it is still rather a taboo, in African traditional and modern communities, alike, to publicly discuss sex related topics since they are loosely
more » ... ted to genitalia or bedroom activity. While sexuality, as a term that generally defines capacity for sexual feelings, includes those body parts not commonly discussed, it has to be known that, the term is constitutive of all which define who we are, in terms of the way we behave and/or react like: speak, smile, laugh, dress, or generally carry ourselves as expressed through gait or posture of standing, sitting or walking. So, whether we talk about it, shun or refrain from the topic or subject, we still remain influential on the sexuality of others, especially our children, inclusive of those with disabilities. It is for that reason that there is need to openly talk about sex and sexuality related issues.
doi:10.9790/0837-2206075863 fatcat:cakhuhl4rfdxxkkww5sbnc5wsa