A New Compact Spice-like Model of E2PROM Memory Cells Suitable for DC and Transient Simulations [chapter]

L. Larcher, P. Pavan, M. Cuozzo, A. Marmiroli
2001 Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2001  
This paper presents for the first time a new compact Spice-like model of a E*PROM Memory Cells suitable for both DC and transient circuit simulations. This model is based on a new Floating Gate voltage calculation procedure that improves strongly the accuracy of the modeling of the cell. Moreover, this model features many advantages compared to the previous ones: i) it is simple to implement and scale; ii) its computational time is not critical; iii) its parameter extraction procedure is the
more » ... e of a MOS transistor; iv) it can be easily upgraded to take into account leakage current contributions (SILC).
doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-6244-6_58 fatcat:ix33pntkczhxvet6cp4k4hzrqa