Strong, tough and bio-degradable polymer-based 3D-ink for fused filament fabrication (FFF) using WS2 nanotubes

Hila Shalom, Sergey Kapishnikov, Vlad Brumfeld, Naum Naveh, Reshef Tenne, Noa Lachman
2020 Scientific Reports  
WS2 inorganic nanotubes (WS2-NT) have been incorporated into Polylactic Acid (PLA) by melt mixing to create a bio-degradable, mechanically reinforced nanocomposite filament. The filament was then processed by Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D-printer, and the morphology and characteristics before and after printing were compared. We found that addition of WS2-NT to PLA by extrusion mixing increases the elastic modulus, yield strength and strain-at-failure by 20%, 23% and 35%, respectively.
more » ... eover, we found that the printing process itself improves the dispersion of WS2-NT within the PLA filament, and does not require changing of the printing parameters compared to pure PLA. The results demonstrate the advantage of WS2-NT as reinforcement specifically in 3D-printable polymers, over more traditional nano-reinforcements such as graphene and carbon nanotubes. WS2-NT based 3D-printable nanocomposites can be used for variety of applications from custom-made biodegradable scaffold of soft implants such as cartilage-based organs and biodegradable soft stents to the more general easy-to-apply nano-reinforced polymers.
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-65861-w pmid:32483268 pmcid:PMC7264276 fatcat:d36ltuxrbze5poxksmxcsr2rx4