Effects of chemical warfare on hematological indices in chemical agents victims

T. Amiriani, H. Haqiqi, A. Zendehbad, Gh. Roshandel, M. Haftsavar, A. Moradi, Sh. Semnani
2010 Iranian Journal of War and Public Health  
and Purpose : The injury of chemical warfare was one of great problem in soldiers and other people in our country. Unfortunately, we do not have any data for delayed effects of these agents. Thus in this study we examine the effect of chemical warfare on function tests in chemical agents victims in Golestan province. Materials and methods: This study was done on 144 chemical agent victims with mean age 44.54 ±7.84 years in Golestan province. After filling the questionnaire, hematologic tests
more » ... C, RBC, Hb, MCV, Plt) were done. Data was analyzed using student t-test and chi-square test. Results: In this study the mean age of victims was 44.54 years and the mean time passed from exposure was 21.6 years. The mean of blood hematologic indices in all of chemical agent victims was normal. Conclusion: In our study after twenty years of exposure, hematological indices of chemical agents victims in Golestan province was normal. It is recommended to assess side effect of chemical weapon in victims of war by conducting more comprehensive studies.
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