Intraoperative Bloodflow Rate as a Predictor for Maturity of Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula

Dedy Pratama, Patrianef Darwis, Andrew Jackson Yang
2019 The New Ropanasuri Journal of Surgery  
Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is the best access for hemodialysis. The failure of arteriovenous fistula maturation is currently a major problem faced today. This study aims to assess whether an intraoperative bloodflow rate measured with Doppler ultrasound can be a predictor of the maturity of radiocephalic AVF. Subjects and Methods: Subjects were patients to be made radiocephalic AVF with USG mapping according to the standard. Shortly after, the anastomosis bloodflow rate was measured with a
more » ... ar probe Doppler ultrasound. This study used cross sectional analytic design to obtain radiocephalic AVF maturation relationship with intraoperative bloodflow rate. Results: Radiocephalic AVF (n = 71) in 71 patients were made and evaluated in 6 weeks. The mean intraoperative bloodflow rate in mature fistulas was significantly higher than those which did not mature (201.85 and 141.96 mL/min; P <0.001). Bloodflow rate with a cut-off value of 165.5 mL/min has a sensitivity of 93.8%, specificity 95.7%, positve predictive value 97.8% and negative predictive value 88.5%. Conclusion: Bloodflow rate >165.5 mL/min has a good predictor value for radiocephalic AVF maturation, so it can be used as reference to determine whether the surgeon need for further assessment and revision intraoperatively, which in turn is expected to decrease the maturation failure rate of arteriovenous fistula. Keywords : arteriovenous fistula, bloodflow rate, maturity predictor
doi:10.7454/nrjs.v4i1.64 fatcat:hvodbwkxj5fk7ofkntaflww3yq