Influence of Annealing Time on Random Lasing from ZnO Nanorods

M.N. Nordin, M.M. Halim, M.R. Hashim, M.K. Shakfa, W. Maryam
2020 Results in Physics  
Highly stabile single mode and multi-mode random lasing emissions were observed from ZnO nanorods array prepared on glass substrates using chemical deposition technique. By varying the post-growth-annealing time, nanorod diameters between 54 and 78 nm with population densities between 75 and 95 nanorods/µm 2 were obtained. Depending on the population density and diameter of the nanorods, single, double and triple random lasing emissions were observed with lowest threshold of 209 mJ/cm 2 .
more » ... rmore, the lasing threshold showed an obvious dependency on the nanorods density. The lasing emission maintained its wavelength with increasing pump power, indicating high stability of the lasing mode(s).
doi:10.1016/j.rinp.2020.102955 fatcat:hvmcof3i7bgmvoizeecphl6zzu