Comparison of GMTI Performance Using DPCA for Various Clutters
DPCA를 이용한 지상 이동 표적 탐지에서 클러터 종류에 따른 성능 비교

Myung-Jun Lee, Seung-Jae Lee, Byung-Soo Kang, Bo-Hyun Ryu, Byoung-Gyun Lim, Tae-Bong Oh, Kyung-Tae Kim, Byoung-Gyun Lim
2017 The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science  
Ground moving target indicator(GMTI) using syntheticaperture radar(SAR) used for finding moving targets on wide background clutter in short time is one of good ways to monitor a traffic situation or an enemy's threat. Although displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) is a real time method with low computational complexity, there have been few studies about its performance against various ground clutters. Thus, we need to analyze GMTI performance for various ground clutters in order to design a
more » ... able DPCA detector. In this paper, simulation results show that the conventional DPCA detector produces different performance in terms of detection rate and false alarm rate. In particular, the false alarm rate of heterogeneous or extremely heterogeneous clutter from urban area is higher than one of homogeneous clutter from natural area.
doi:10.5515/kjkiees.2017.28.6.487 fatcat:lw76qmc3cbesrllwca2jzdocwa