Four-wave mixing based 10-Gb/s tunable wavelength conversion using a holey fiber with a high SBS threshold

Ju Han Lee, W. Belardi, K. Furusawa, P. Petropoulos, Z. Yusoff, T.M. Monro, D.J. Richardson
2003 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters  
We demonstrate a four-wave-mixing based wavelength converter using a 15-m highly nonlinear holey fiber (HF) with a high stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) threshold. Error-free efficient wavelength conversion of 10-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero signal over a 10-nm bandwidth is reliably achieved. Our 15-m HF has a nonlinearity coefficient 70( 10) W 1 km 1 and an SBS threshold of more than 130 mW. The high SBS threshold is achieved by applying structural variation to the HF along its length during
more » ... fabrication process. No modulational-instability-induced intensity noise on the converted signals is observed due to the normal dispersion of the HF.
doi:10.1109/lpt.2002.807928 fatcat:y7n4xnwqsvd5hiy5zzew2jqkcm