Signature Required - Making Simulink Data Flow and Interfaces Explicit

Marc Bender, Karen Laurin, Mark Lawford, Jeff Ong, Steven M. Postma, Vera Pantelic
2014 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development  
Model comprehension and effective use and reuse of complex subsystems are problems currently encountered in the automotive industry. To address these problems we present a technique for extracting, presenting and making use of signatures for Simulink subsystems. The signature of a subsystem is defined to be a generalization of its interface, including the subsystem's explicit ports, locally defined and inherited data stores, and scoped gotos/froms. We argue that the use of signatures has
more » ... cant benefits for model comprehension and subsystem testing, and show how the incorporation of signatures into existing Simulink models is practical and useful by discussing various usage scenarios.
doi:10.5220/0004716001190131 dblp:conf/modelsward/BenderLLOPP14 fatcat:ashgfygdwzbzphqxbwmz6adoyu