Generic nonlinear error compensation algorithm for phase measuring profilometry

Xin Yu, Shanshan Lai, Yuankun Liu, Wenjing Chen, Junpeng Xue, Qican Zhang
2021 Chinese Optics Letters (COL)  
In this Letter, the periodical errors, which are caused by the nonlinear effect of the commercial projector and camera, are analyzed as a more generic single-coefficient model. The probability density function of the wrapped phase distributions is used as a tool to find the compensation coefficient. When the compensation coefficient is detected, on the premise of ensuring accuracy, a correlation algorithm process is used to replace the traditional iterative process. Therefore, the proposed
more » ... ithm improves the efficiency of coefficient detection dramatically. Both computer simulation and experiment show the effectiveness of this method.
doi:10.3788/col202119.101201 fatcat:rpbaywfejrd4je44mbglm2wx5u